Or is that swimming splits? Or shin splints? Don’t worry, gentle reader, for we shall talk about all of that AND MORE!!!
So to start off, I think I have acquired shin splints. Seems to be caused by some combination of crappy quality of shoes, old (worn down) shoes, and poor running technique. All of which I have to a high degree. I plan to go down to FleetFeet to get some good shoes. I was actually planning on going down today but was stopped by the White Death (up to 15 inches possible by tomorrow afternoon!!)
Anyway so as not to run, I have been swimming lately. Which is probably good since my swimming skills are… not so much. But I’ve been getting better.
As you can see from my exercise log (available as a link over to the right), my recent swims:
1/7/2008 – 200 yards in 7 minutes (0.97 mph)
1/11/2008 – 250 yards in 10 minutes (0.85 mph)
2/28/2008 – 750 yards in 22 minutes (1.16 mph)
3/3/2008 – 425 yards in 12 minutes (1.21 mph)
3/7/2008 – 800 yards in 22 minutes (1.24 mph)
You’ll notice that there are only minute times. There is a clock at the Y, but it’s hard for me to see the seconds as I’m swimming. It is our time to do our recycle challenge at work again. So I was down there this morning with some various coworkers and we were talking about that. And it was commented that when you’re swimming so slowly, the seconds don’t really matter. (Zing!) There was general merriment and revelry concerning my swimming prowess (or lack thereof). One lady who is apparently a swimmer was mentioning that her 400 meter swim time was like 4:21 (compared to my 13:50 last time).
I of course then challenged her to a fight. Or rather a triathlon. She nancied up so I must be the winner.
16 responses to “Swimming splints”
Have you tried the new Donato’s yet?
Are those some kind of pizza-shoe combo?
looks like you got your blog spammed above.
talk to kerry about shin splints. she has had them and never completely recovered. that’s why she doesn’t run anymore (and she BOUGHT new good shoes). even if she walks too much, they come back. better luck to you.
It’s not spam and neither am I stalking, I’m just trying to cope with being snowed in. Thought I could induce you into a deduction exercise to discover my identity. You seem clever enough.
Well hello there! I didn’t think it was spam – I’m assuming you are the same anonymous commenter from a few weeks / months ago?
I’m always up for a good game of 20 questions. Though I prefer the more expanded game “I am something in the world; what am I?” where past games have included “Mickey Tettleton’s catcher’s mitt or the “I” in the bigg’s sign on Highland
1. Do I know you, meaning if / when I find out your name will I know who you are?
1. Can’t say if you know me or would recognize me, but I certainly would not know you to see you. Although I suspect we have seen each other at some point unawares.
2. Do you live in the Cincinnati area?
2. Why would you throw a question away on an obvious? Cord Camera, Pavillion, snowed in, etc. These are none too subtle clues, I thought. Wood appearing siding? If you insist I’ll answer, but you are more clever than to sacrifice your questions like this. Try another #.
Yes, I did have a pretty good idea of the answer to that question but I wanted to make sure before I went down that road any further. I’ll just move on to #3 and if I need it down the road, I’ll take you up on your offer of a mulligan.
3. Do you know someone that knows me? I know that you can’t say for sure who all the people that you know might know, but what I mean is that do you consciously know someone that definitely knows me. Like if you’re the spouse of someone I work with, or someone I go to church’s mom, or a friend of my dad, etc.
#3 No. But I’m guessing at six degrees of separation, we could probably find a 2 or 3 degree. But that’s purely speculative.
#4. Did you first find my blog by means of clicking a link, such as through a Google search, or a comment I left on some other blog, or through my Blogger profile, etc.
This is as opposed to somebody giving you the address / link.
Note that if you got the blog URL from a link in an email from a friend or someone, please answer no to this question.
#4 I believe it began through a comment you left on another blog that I happened to be browsing.
Throwing all caution to the wind I will go against every rule of 20 questions known to man and go for an early guess
5. Are you Ray from Fairfield?
5. No. Neither do I know Ray from fairfield. I do know Art from Fairfield.
yeah, i thought it was ray also.
btw you need to exercise. lotsa red flat liner
Shoot – I thought I had nailed it. That will teach me to go for the jugular too early.
#6 – was the aforementioned comment on another blog on any of the following blogs: By Common Consent, Millenial Star, Every Whatever or County Counting?