Skyfort Playset Installation – Day 15 (4/13)

After getting in a few hours on Saturday after the rain, I did not work on Sunday as usual and then was rained out on Monday. Tuesday we had van troubles and I was not in the mood to continue playset work, so it was Wednesday before I was able to get back into things.

My co-worker Geoff and I had agreed to work again on Monday, but as mentioned earlier, rain. We seem to have a knack for scheduling work days during monsoons. But Wednesday looked like a good day and we were able to get started a bit after work.

First order of business was fixing the bolt hole that was not lining up. We drilled an extra hole and secured the post with bolts.

The next few steps were putting in some of the wall boards to enclose the playset. Here’s Geoff attempting to secure the first vertical board.

That was when we realized Mistake #1. The holes in the vertical board did not line up with the horizontal board. So we moved the horizontal board down to line up with a different board and secured it.

Then we realized that vertical board did not go there (Mistake #2), so we unscrewed it and moved it to where it belongs. Then when we got here, we realized that our horizontal board was right in the first place (Mistake #3), so we had to fix that.

Here you can see the extra holes

And finally, a few shots of where we ended up for the day.

We ended up stopping for the day because the next step we needed to do required 1″ wood screws, which we could not find. It was getting dark though so I decided to stop and look for it the next day when it was light out.

Day 11 time: 5 hours (2.5 hours * 2 people)
Total time: 27.5 hours
Mistakes made: 3 today (10 total)
Steps completed: 42-53 (out of 103)

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