Wheel of Fortune report
So after my adventures in California the day before, the morning of the actual taping, I was supposed to be there around 7:30 a.m. and when I had talked to Gary the Wheel guy, he had me all freaked out about Los Angeles traffic, so I ended up leaving the house around 5:30. Traffic was…
California trip, Part 2
After my earlier wanderings in California, and my adventures at Wheel of Fortune, we tried to figure out a good spot to eat lunch. We decided on the Stinking Rose, a “garlic-themed” Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills. We made our way over there (through traffic, of course!) and it took awhile to find somewhere to…
California trip, Part 1
Ironically enough, it was while we were actually WATCHING Wheel of Fortune that I got “the call”. I almost didn’t answer it, because it was an unknown area code and usually those end up being spam or wrong numbers. But for some reason, I answered it and it was Gary from Wheel of Fortune. I…
Wheel of Fortune audition
So I thought I would write up something about my recent audition on Wheel of Fortune. My kids had encouraged me to try and get on the show a few weeks ago, so I went to their website and signed up. Actually the first time I tried to sign up, their website was down and…
Skyfort Playset Installation – Day 24 (4/22)
So Thursday night I took a look at what was going on the next day and decided to take the day off of work. Building the playset was not the only reason, but it was definitely one factor. Also the kids were off school (due to Good Friday) so I thought it would be nice…
Skyfort Playset Installation – Day 23 (4/21)
No work on Wednesday due to other activities, and Thursday was packed too – but after I got home and put the kids to bed, I wanted to at least get in a little bit of work, even though it was almost dark. I had the monkey bars assembled, so I went ahead and attached…
Skyfort Playset Installation – Day 20 (4/18)
Sunday again was a (beautiful) day of rest, so I was back on the playset work come Monday evening. Hard to believe I’ve been at this for nearly 3 weeks now! I’m of two minds as to the length of time. On the one hand, I could have had this playset up a lot sooner…
Skyfort Playset Installation – Day 18 (4/16)
Friday was a day of no playset building due to other evening activities, and things were not looking good for Saturday either. It’s been pretty frustrating the past few weeks how each week it’s been beautiful on Sunday (a day of rest when I don’t work on this) but rainy and cold each Saturday. And…
Skyfort Playset Installation – Day 16 (4/14)
Thursday is our crazy day with 2-3 kid activities which requires a lot of running around. I was supposed to drop off my 6 year old son at soccer and then come back to work on the playset, but I just didn’t feel comfortable leaving him there so I decided to wait for awhile till…