Valentine’s date

I surprised Carolyn with a Valentine’s date this Friday. Obviously not on Valentine’s Day but then that would make it hard to be a surprise, ya know?

In any case, after much hemming and hawing and her trying to figure out what we were doing, we ended up at the Bearcats game vs. Providence. It was quite a good game. A real must win for our chances to make the NCAA Tournament, what with PC not being that good and the game being at home and all.

We led for most of the game, but the Friars went up by 7 midway through the 2nd half before we battled back to tie the score. With it being 64-64, we missed a shot with about 41 seconds left and they got the rebound. I knew they couldn’t take the last shot so no matter what we’d have a chance to tie, but they ended up missing with about 7-10 seconds left. There was a scramble for the rebound but it got tipped out to one of our guards, who took the ball all the way down the court 1 on 1 and was fouled with 3.7 seconds left. First free throw rattled around the rim, hit the backboard and went in. After they called time out, he swished the 2nd one to put us up 2. They drove all the way down court and shot a little floater from about 12 feet, and it went all the way around the rim before popping out. Great game.

And because I know you can’t go a day without knowing how I’m doing cubing, I set a new average record – just under 56 seconds, including a new individual record time of 42.50 seconds.

—– JNetCube Best Average for Sun Feb 19 16:44:28 GMT-05:00 2006 —–

Average: 55.99

Fastest Time: 42.50
Slowest Time: 1:07.02
Standard Deviation: 05.36

Individual Times:
1) 53.67 F’ L2 F2 R’ B’ F2 R’ D2 L’ D B F’ U2 R D F B2 U2 D F R’ U B2 D R’
2) 56.95 F’ R2 L2 F’ B’ U2 R B’ F2 U’ D2 F’ L’ D’ R’ L’ U2 B F’ R F’ R’ L B’ U2
3) 1:05.52 B2 L’ F’ U R2 U’ D L F’ L2 R’ F2 B L’ D’ L’ F D’ L2 B’ D U’ R L D
4) 1:00.09 F L R2 B’ U2 F’ L B’ L D’ L R2 U2 R F’ L D2 U2 R2 F U D’ L B’ D
5) 57.05 D L’ B’ D F’ L U’ L U’ F2 D’ B2 F’ U2 D2 F2 R2 D B D2 B2 R2 D L’ U’
6) 47.19 L R2 F’ U2 L2 F D U F2 L R’ B U’ B2 D2 U’ R’ U2 L2 F L2 F L’ F R
7) (1:07.02) F U R2 B2 D’ L U’ R’ U’ L’ U’ R’ B2 L’ U2 L’ B’ R D U F U2 R2 B2 D’
8) 53.81 D U R2 D’ F D R’ F L2 R’ F L2 R D2 R D F’ U D’ B’ D’ U R2 U2 R
9) 1:00.86 R B U F R’ L2 B R2 U D’ F’ R B L’ F’ L’ B2 D’ L U R U L2 R2 U’
10) 49.92 U’ R2 F2 U2 D F’ U L’ U2 R B2 F D’ U’ B2 F’ D2 L’ U R F D’ U2 F D’
11) (42.50) F’ L2 B’ F2 R2 U’ L F D’ R’ F2 B2 L’ U R B F L U B2 F’ D2 R2 U2 R’
12) 54.89 F’ L2 U’ B’ D’ U R’ U’ L D’ F’ L2 F2 R’ L B2 F’ U’ R’ B’ F2 R L’ B’ U

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