The middle number’s an 8!

Yup that middle number is now an 8. Again. For now.

I’ve been in the middle of my revolutionary weight loss program – “Eat less; exercise more”. It’s been going pretty well as you can see below. Blue line is my actual daily weights – Green line is the “trend” line which is just a weighted average.

I was down to 188.4 on Sunday morning (slightly up this morning). I’m shooting for 170.

I am trying to get this weight loss pic on my blog somehow as a widget so that I can be accountable and that you can all follow along with me, but it’s not working so well.

I’m actually considering moving from Blogger over to WordPress.


4 responses to “The middle number’s an 8!”

  1. Yeah I don’t know what happened there. There wasn’t any kind of big binge-fest. My guess is that the scale just was kind of wicky. Sometimes our scale (although it is a digital) gives different numbers if you step on it different ways.

  2. I wanna move to a new blog home too. If only someone would help me. And if only we weren’t so busy every night painting and junk.

  3. Congratulations. The trend certainly looks good. Perhaps that “blip” on the 18th of April was from carbo-loading for your triathalon?
    Dad G.

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