Well it’s been one week since my LASIK surgery. Things are going very well. At the one week timeline, I guess I can stop using my drops, though I will probably still use them till they run out. I have stopped wearing my goggles at night and I guess I can rub my eyes and let the water hit my face in the shower, but I’m afraid :-). Overall, I have been extremely happy with the surgery. I can see stuff! I do have some halos around lights at night, but the doctors said that should get better over the next few weeks / months.
Tomorrow I am taking the boys on a “boy party” to the farm out in Pennsylvania to visit my dad and grandma and other assorted family members. We’ll be staying the weekend. I’m taking the day off work tomorrow and driving out, and then probably coming home on Sunday afternoon after church.
Of course, I can’t bear to take a road trip without picking up a few extra counties!!!! 🙂 I did a careful examination of my county map
and spied 13 new counties that could be visited, all in West Virginia. So we will take a slight detour on the way out to snag Mason, Jackson, Wood, Wirt, Calhoun, Ritchie, Pleasants, Tyler, Doddridge, Wetzel and Marshall counties, and a slight detour on the way back to pick up Brooke and Hancock. The actual routes themselves have not yet been finalized, but you can rest assured that my West Virginia county total will be raised from 19 to 32 (out of 55, soon to be 58.2%)
You will undoubtedly have noticed that annoying white blotch in NE Kentucky. That would be Greenup county. This is an injustice that will need to be rectified the next time we do things my way (on the AA Highway).
Why yes, I have been having fun with MS Paint this morning – why do you ask? 🙂 Investigation reveals that this proposed detour has a total out and back distance of 2.6 miles, or less than 5 minutes. Even Carolyn can’t argue with that I think! My graphics didn’t turn out as well as I was hoping – the red line is the normal way we travel down to Virginia and places like that on the AA Highway – the purple line is the detour we’d have to make to the dotted county line.
If you go to my county map, you can see a few swatches around the homelands. It is in my plans to take a Saturday morning one of these weekends to take a little road trip. If I leave way ear-lie in the morning, then I should be able to be home by noon or so. The plans that I have (though no routes yet devised) are (with the number of new counties each trip would pick up):
NE Indiana (26 counties)
W/SW Indiana (36 counties) – though these 2 may be combined if I do EFINC.
S Kentucky (21 counties)
SE Kentucky (30 counties) – this one may be broken into 2 sections to also include my needed counties in S WV and SW VA.
I know, I’m crazy.
6 responses to “Lasik / Counties”
our poor defenseless sons! Daddy no, no more counties!! please!!
You know you’re just jealous because they’ll have been to more counties in West Virginia than you have!
Dan, you’re a bad influence, but I’m having fun with this county counting thing too. I have to drive to Dallas with two of our kids next week and I’ve found routes going there and back that will give me 3 or 4 new counties in Texas without making the trip significantly longer. Jeff always tells me I need a hobby. I think it’s just because he feels guilty that he has so many and he wants me to even things out. So now I’m getting even.
That’s awesome. Make sure to sign up on the website (www.mob-rule.com/counties) if you haven’t already
Done. I haven’t entered everything, but here’s my map: http://www.mob-rule.com/counties/user-gifs/harmonyp.gif