Laptop update

As first noted here and then expounded upon here, here, here, here and here I am in the middle of snagging a free laptop.

Just because my last post (containing the pic of my first arrived rebate check) in this vein was on October 1st, I do not want you to think that all is not well in laptop-land!

The checks have been trickling in, and just before Christmas I received (what I thought was) my last bunch of checks. With the holidays and all, I did not get around to entering them into my handy-dandy spreadsheet until today, when I found that I am still down 1 rebate! I checked it online and it says Invalid due to missing confirmation email (the lamest excuse of all the ones I received)

I emailed them just now and expect to have it validated shortly. The weird thing is that my spreadsheet says that it was validated 9/25/2007. So either CA validated it and then invalidated it (wouldn’t put it past ’em) or I put the wrong entry in my spreadsheet and never actually re-validated this one. I may get screwed because it’s been so long since the submission, but I will keep at it.

My initial expense for this deal was $1,256.49. With the 57 rebates I have received, I have gotten back $1,620 (and hope to receive an additional $15 shortly). I also eBayed the 2 printers and got $69.32 between the 2 of them (after subtracting eBay and Paypal fees and actual shipping costs). I keep meaning to put the software up there but the market isn’t that great for them (especially since this is the 2007 stuff and the 2008 stuff is now out)

I aim to trade the laptop for a riding lawnmower.

All in all – the best deal ever!!! (so far)

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