So last night I was watching the Browns game on websites of questionable legality. That is one advantage of the fall baby – I take the first turn of the night by having him sleep on my chest while I watch football. Works at least 2 or 3 nights of a week!

So anyways, I am not sure if the feed that I was watching was the same as what is shown on the actual NFL Network, but it SUCKED!

Several times (at least 5) they would cut to studio analysts blathering about whatever. Now that is annoying in and of itself, but okay fine. But then they would continue talking WHILE THE ACTUAL GAME WAS GOING ON!!!

Several times they had the camera on on-field roving reporter Solomon Wilcots and you could (barely) see the game being played behind him.

I’m not sure who the ad wizards are that came up with that one, but it’s quite possibly the most annoying thing this side of basketball “annoyo-cam”


5 responses to “Dear NFL Network: SHOW THE FREAKIN GAME!!!!”

  1. How dare then be messing with your football game!? And then to have the Browns go and loss in a rather stupid way…not the most fun you’ve had in an evening, huh?

  2. Both actually. And it’s not so much that I’m a cable hater as I just don’t really watch TV. We got rid of our TV a year or so ago and canceled the cable and found we didn’t really miss it.

    But even if I DID have cable, the NFL Network is not available on Time Warner. I think it is on DirecTV though if you have that here

  3. I’m actually really surprised Braden didn’t comment on this one. He shouts at the TV when they do things like that. I also think tactics like that are annoying.

    Also annoying: Having to type two words that are hard to read before I can comment.

  4. But even more annoying is getting 30-40 emails a day from spammers trying to comment on my blog.

    Plus, you’re helping to transcribe books!

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