Old stuff

So Carolyn finally got me down in the basement to clean up the basement (read: throw out all the crap). I did manage to save a few things, and I wanted to blog a couple of them before I threw them out. Here’s one I found from I believe 1994 (12th grade). It’s a piece of paper ripped out of a notebook that starts out:


Fill in the blank with the word you feel is best.

I wish the court would issue an indicavit, I also want a_________

and then Trampus wrote in “an affadavit”. This came from a rhyming book we found where one of the pairs listed was affadavit / indicavit. We found this especially funny, mostly because we didn’t know what an indicavit was. I bet you don’t either.

Anyway, after Trampus wrote the answer to that one, we passed this back and forth, I believe in Shack’s English class. With each one, one person would write the beginning and the other person would write the punch-line. Here they are, just as they are written:

(T) I wish my coffee was decaffinatit.
(D) If I had a valuable painting, I would save it.
(T) You know if I wanted some land, yo I would survey it.
(D) If I had a perilous undertaking, I’d brave it.
(T) If there was a dirt road, yo I’d pave it.
(D) If I had a flag, yo I’d wave it
(T) If I were a cop and one of my other cop friend (sic) gave my dad a $73.22 traffic ticket yo, I’d waive it.
(T) If there was some food I really wanted but couldn’t have it, yo I’d crave it.
(D) If there was something I wanted under my control, yo I’d enslave it.
(T) If I had a really long beard with lice growing in it, yo I’d shave it.
(T) If there was an Alden, yo I’d Dave it. Jeees! (reference to Dave Alden who was a kid in our high school and always said “Jeeeez” long and drawn-out)
(D) If there was a word I know is a word but don’t know what it means, yo stave’s it (this is crossed out apparently by Trampus sheesh not like some of his aren’t just as bad! 🙂 )
(T) If I wanted a rapper from Public Enemy, you (sic) I’d Flav’ it
(T) If I was a Jew in the holocaust, yo I’d wear the star of Dave it (sic)
(T) If I lived in a tunnel in a mountain, Yo!, I’d cave it.
(T) If I was one of Donald Duck’s nephews, yo I’d say I quave it (also crossed out)
(D) If someone asked me for something I had given away, I’d say I gave it ………………AWAY!!! (reference to the classic Joe….MAMA jokes prevalent at the time – at least by us)
(T) If my last name was McDaniel, yo I’d Xave it!
(D) If I were a Regoarrarr, yo I’d wazoo it (again with the censorship – crossed out. I think it’s wazoo, it’s kind of hard to read)
(D) If I surrounded something with a barbed wire fence, yo I’d enclave it.
(D) If I had an unruly child, yo I’d behave it.
(D) If I were to make a telescopic lense (sic), yo I’d concave it
(D) If I had to bury someone, yo I’d grave it.

And don’t even get me started about parallel diction!! I will try and post a couple of other things I found. One of them was the treasure hunt that Jay made for me in library study hall. I even found the clue that made Mrs. Ewart cry (“Find the next clue taped to Old Bag’s desk”)

6 responses to “Old stuff”

  1. interesting. hey, i didn’t read a head and i looked up indicavit before i even saw there was a link for me! as for the rhymes, they started off humorous, got to a lame part in the middle, but dan brought up the rear with some good ones again. aren’t you glad you cleaned up the basement, dear!? such great stuff to be found down there……and then thrown away. Purge it all! 🙂

  2. If there was a problem, Yo, I’ll solve it
    Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it

    Ice Ice Baby Vanilla, Ice Ice Baby Vanilla
    Ice Ice Baby Vanilla, Ice Ice Baby Vanilla

  3. i found this post to be hilarious
    as compared to some others, various
    humor is a trait that was passed by me
    look at all my kids and you’ll soon see

  4. Dan-
    I agree with Carolyn’s analysis of this document. I will further add that I found it quite humorous and even at age 29, I rediscovered with pride some of my bizarre ramblings at age 18. In further detail, indicavit was a word you found in a “rhyming dicionary” at the book fair that you’d curiously pulled of the shelf and ,not surprisingly, did not buy. You said “Trampus. There is one word that rhymes with ‘indicavit’. What is it?” And I think what sent you into an immediate fit of laughter is that from the other side of the room I responded, immediately and without delay, “affadavit”. At which point you yelled “yes!” as you lost it. And the thing that got you was not “parallel diction” it was
    “parallel construction” and also the enthusiasm with which Shack said it, in stark contrast to the legimate interest level of the rest of the class. Along these lines, just a couple of days ago I found the Bolton list. Wow.

  5. You’re right – it was parallel construction. I definitely remember how excited Shack got and how much I lost it. I think I laughed literally the entire class.

    I also remember the book fair. Good times…

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