Bus Routes

Another post for TPMHTDM!

So, over the weekend, I get a newsletter from the Madeira City School District. Probably like many school districts, MSD walks a fine financial line. We did just pass a bond issue a few years ago, but that was for building new schools to replace our old ones (the schools will be done for 06-07, just in time for Amy to go to kindergarten – how convenient!!)

In any case, the newsletter said something to the effect that the school district was creating a committee to study ways to make the bus routes more efficient, in an attempt to save money. I thought to myself, SIGN ME UP FOR THAT! I sent an email to the superintendent and assistant superintendent asking how I could get some of that action. I mentioned my EFC trip as well as my Madeira bike routes. If they don’t respond, I suppose I will call to follow-up in a few days. Or, the assistant superintendent actually lives just down the street from me, and we know them because their son is in Amy’s preschool class. So maybe I’ll walk down there and see what’s up.

I had actually been thinking, a few weeks ago, about route planning, and how much I enjoy doing things like that. I had been thinking of ways that route planning and such could make money, and consulting with school districts to plan bus routes was actually one of the things I had thought of. I’ll keep you posted!

One response to “Bus Routes”

  1. I hope that works out for you. And hopefully they won’t think you’re some nut job that has no experience. You’ve got experience out the ying yang baby!

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