Category: exercise

  • The 1000 mile man

    Ah…. the 1000 mile man… Sounds much better than a One Minute Man… So, as was first outlined here and then further commented upon here, here, here, here and here, I had a goal for 2007 of 1000 miles of exercise. Thanks mostly to the Tour de Madeira, I entered today (“the last day” as…

  • Tour de Madeira 2007

    I successfully ran the Tour de Madeira 2007 yesterday. Full recap over at Every Whatever With the 52 miles I did on Saturday, that gives me a new weekly record (102.8 miles), and also puts me at 952.5 miles for the year, meaning I need to do just 47.5 miles the rest of the year…

  • Dear – you suck – you are dead to me. For a few years I have been using as my exercise logger. For the past few months I have seen notices that they would be migrating their data over to The “transition” was this past weekend and boy did it go badly. Much of the data…

  • Breakin the law…breakin the law law law

    So I was heading up to the Y this morning to work out. I actually got out a little earlier than I normally do because I wanted to swing by our new house to take some pictures of the tree that they chopped down last week. So then I was heading up to the Y…

  • Crosstown shootout exercising

    So as many of you loyal followers (all 3 of you) know, we got rid of our TV, then brought it back for limited-use. We still don’t have cable, which I think I like. One downside of that is missing some sporting events that I’d rather watch. I have been able to see some of…

  • Monday mornings…

    So those that know me may know of my revolutionary weight-loss program. Because I care about you, my faithful blog reader, I will give away to you (at no charge!!!) this guaranteed formula. “Eat less; exercise more” Yes, if you follow this simple rule, you are guaranteed to lose weight. I followed it pretty good…

  • Biking fun

    So I have been trying to get out on a weekend for a longer bike ride for awhile now. But it seems like things just seem to always come up that take precedence, and so it has taken until now to get out. Under threat of rain, I headed out about 6:30 pm over to…

  • 3 pigs triathlon race report

    So as a kid, one of my goals was to do a triathlon. When I told this to most of my friends they laughed at me. I was fairly active as a kid but never really exercised more. In fact, one of my friends, who shall remain nameless, once bet me some sum ($1000?) that…

  • Exercise update

    A little update on the exercise tip. I have upped my running course again. Where it started at 1.85 miles, and then went to 2.1, now my course is 2.57 miles. My goal is to keep upping it, at least until I get to where I can consistently run an entire 5K. Then I’ll re-evaluate.…

  • 3 pigs practice triathlon

    So today I decided to do a little practice run for my upcoming triathlon. While I would have liked to do a full practice run (swim / bike / run) like I did last time, I also wanted to try a run on the actual course itself. My initial thought was to swim at the…