Hypothetical advantages a grown adult has over a 5 year old in a water fight
So, hypothetically speaking, let’s say a grown adult and a 5 (and a half!) year old boy got into a water fight. Each are armed with a similar water pistol. This treatise will attempt to outline the various advantages the adult would have in such a fight. Physical Faster acceleration and top speed. This helps…
Family sizes
So my oldest son brought home a “My kindergarten friends” book detailing the kids in his class. While going through it with him, I was very surprised by the number of large families in the class. 3 families with 3 members 8 families with 4 2 families with 5 4 families with 6 (including ours)…
Are you ready for some football!!!?!?
I’m not. Well, I mean I guess I am. But not quite like I have been in previous years. I’ve always enjoyed football, and the past few years have spent most Sundays watching several games while following along with my fantasy teams. But, after a recent lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day holy, and some…
Bearcat football game
I went down to a UC football game last night. It was a lot of fun. Originally I thought that this was the first college game that I’ve been to since I was in the band, but upon further review, I think that I went to a game or two with Carolyn, but still, it’s…
Doctor Doctor!
So a few weeks ago I got some poison ivy. It was bad times. I got it on a Wednesday, and by Friday it was starting to show. Over the weekend we figured out it was poison ivy, and by that time I figured I would call the doctor first thing Monday morning to get…
My Real Age
Well, after Carolyn discovered that she was only 26.6, I thought I’d head over to RealAge.com. And the grand result is that I am a rockin 27.1 years old.
Toilet Paper Investigative Journalism
<br> Words you thought you might never see in the same sentence? Yes folks, it is time for some investigative journalism that TPMHTDM is known for. Well, er, maybe. I come to you on the mighty subject of toilet paper. We all use it, but nobody is ready to ask the hard-hitting questions that the…
11 people must have their Dan Miller!!
Yes, yes it’s true. 11 people must have their Dan Miller. One of the features of Google Reader is that it will tell you how many people are subscribed to your blog, if you have it hosted on your own website. If you look in the access logs, there are lines like this –…
My fridge
Magnet recently found on my fridge. And it wasn’t even me who umm “adjusted” it! Let there be no doubt that I have the awesomest wife ever
Puzzle goodness
So this afternoon I finally finished a jigsaw puzzle that I’ve been working on (off and on) for a few years. There is a bit of discrepancy when exactly I got this puzzle, but suffice it to say that it’s been a few years. It’s a Photomosaic puzzle, which means that it’s made up of…