My Real Age
Well, after Carolyn discovered that she was only 26.6, I thought I’d head over to RealAge.com. And the grand result is that I am a rockin 27.1 years old.
Toilet Paper Investigative Journalism
<br> Words you thought you might never see in the same sentence? Yes folks, it is time for some investigative journalism that TPMHTDM is known for. Well, er, maybe. I come to you on the mighty subject of toilet paper. We all use it, but nobody is ready to ask the hard-hitting questions that the…
11 people must have their Dan Miller!!
Yes, yes it’s true. 11 people must have their Dan Miller. One of the features of Google Reader is that it will tell you how many people are subscribed to your blog, if you have it hosted on your own website. If you look in the access logs, there are lines like this –…
Biking fun
So I have been trying to get out on a weekend for a longer bike ride for awhile now. But it seems like things just seem to always come up that take precedence, and so it has taken until now to get out. Under threat of rain, I headed out about 6:30 pm over to…
My fridge
Magnet recently found on my fridge. And it wasn’t even me who umm “adjusted” it! Let there be no doubt that I have the awesomest wife ever
Puzzle goodness
So this afternoon I finally finished a jigsaw puzzle that I’ve been working on (off and on) for a few years. There is a bit of discrepancy when exactly I got this puzzle, but suffice it to say that it’s been a few years. It’s a Photomosaic puzzle, which means that it’s made up of…
Reading the scriptures
So, about 8-9 months ago, I signed up at a site called readthescriptures.com. The basic premise of the site is that you pick the book of scripture that you want to read (Book of Mormon, Old or New Testaments of the Bible, Doctrine and Covenants or Pearl of Great Price), and the reading schedule that…
3 pigs triathlon race report
So as a kid, one of my goals was to do a triathlon. When I told this to most of my friends they laughed at me. I was fairly active as a kid but never really exercised more. In fact, one of my friends, who shall remain nameless, once bet me some sum ($1000?) that…
Exercise update
A little update on the exercise tip. I have upped my running course again. Where it started at 1.85 miles, and then went to 2.1, now my course is 2.57 miles. My goal is to keep upping it, at least until I get to where I can consistently run an entire 5K. Then I’ll re-evaluate.…
3 pigs practice triathlon
So today I decided to do a little practice run for my upcoming triathlon. While I would have liked to do a full practice run (swim / bike / run) like I did last time, I also wanted to try a run on the actual course itself. My initial thought was to swim at the…